Syndesmosis Injury

What is a Syndesmosis Injury?

A syndesmotic injury involves damage to the syndesmosis, which is a group of ligaments that connect the tibia (shinbone) and fibula (outer leg bone) in the lower leg. These ligaments play a crucial role in stabilizing the ankle joint.

In simpler terms, think of the syndesmosis as a set of strong bands that hold the bones in your lower leg together, especially around the ankle. When these ligaments get injured, it can lead to instability and pain in the ankle region.

Why do Syndesmotic injuries occur?

Syndesmotic injuries can occur from various situations, such as sports-related incidents or accidents that cause a twisting motion of the ankle.

How do you treat Syndesmotic injuries?

Diagnosis usually involves imaging tests like X-rays or MRIs to assess the extent of the injury. Treatment may range from conservative approaches like rest, ice, and elevation to more severe cases requiring surgery.

Recovery time varies depending on the severity of the injury, but rest and rehabilitation exercises are typically part of the healing process.