Pes Cavus (High Arches)

What is Pes Cavus?

Pes cavus is a condition that affects the feet, making them appear excessively arched or high-arched. In simpler terms, it means having abnormally high arches in the foot. Normally, when we stand or walk, the foot has a natural arch that helps distribute the body's weight evenly and absorbs shock.

With pes cavus, however, this arch is much higher than usual, causing the entire foot or certain parts of it, like the heel and ball of the foot, to bear a lot more weight than they should.

What are the symptoms of Pes Cavus?

Pes Cavus can lead to various issues and symptoms, such as:

  • Foot pain: The higher arches can put excessive pressure on certain areas of the foot, leading to pain, especially when walking or standing for long periods.

  • Stability problems: The increased arch can make the foot less stable, increasing the risk of ankle sprains or other injuries.

  • Claw toes: Some people with pes cavus may develop claw-like toes, where the toes curl downwards instead of lying flat.

  • Calluses: The excessive pressure on certain areas of the foot can cause calluses to form, which are areas of thickened skin.

  • Difficulty finding well-fitting shoes: High arches can make it challenging to find shoes that provide proper support and comfort.

Why does Pes Cavus occur?

Pes cavus can be caused by various factors, including genetics, nerve problems, or certain medical conditions. It can sometimes be present from birth, while in other cases, it may develop over time due to nerve or muscle issues.

How do you treat Pes Cavus?

Treatment may include special orthotic shoe inserts to provide better support, exercises to strengthen the foot muscles, or, in severe cases, surgery to correct the foot's alignment.