Bunion (Hallux Valgus)

What is a Bunion?

Bunion Treatment Lismore Ballina Foot and Ankle Surgeon Dr Cyrus Mehta

Bunions are a common foot condition that can cause discomfort and affect how you walk. They typically appear as a bony bump at the base of your big toe, where the joint connects to the foot. Bunions develop gradually and are often caused by wearing tight-fitting shoes, high heels, or genetically inherited foot structure.

What are the symptoms of a Bunion?

When you have a bunion, the big toe starts to lean inward toward the other toes, causing the joint to stick out. This can lead to pain, swelling, redness, and difficulty wearing certain shoes. In some cases, the skin over the bunion may become sore or callused.

How do you treat Bunions?

Bunions can often be managed and treated without surgery. Simple lifestyle changes like wearing properly fitted shoes with enough room for your toes and avoiding high heels can help relieve discomfort and prevent the bunion from getting worse.

In more severe cases where conservative treatments don't work, or if the bunion is causing severe pain and affecting mobility, surgery might be recommended. Surgery aims to correct the alignment of the big toe joint and remove the bony bump.

It's essential to seek medical advice if you suspect you have a bunion or are experiencing foot pain. An Orthopaedic surgeon can evaluate the condition, provide appropriate recommendations, and help you find the best solution to keep your feet healthy and comfortable.